Things a 2 year old says

1.Playing I Spy in the car
Watson: I spy something beginning with A
Me: is it an apple?
Me: is it the Air?
Watson: NO
Me: is it your arm?
Watson: No
Me: OK I give up. What do you see that begins with A
Watson: A Pumpkin mummy!

2. Chickens
Mummy I can see a duck walking on the road (there were no birds of any kind on the road)
Me:Really? Whats it doing there?
Its just walking.
Mummy I can see a chicken walking on the road!
Me: Wow! Whats it doing?
Its crossing the road!
Me:(taking opportunity to make a joke) Why is the chicken crossing the road Wati?
Because It has a green light, mummy!

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